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Welcoming Daniel Von Fange to the Origin Team

September 9, 2020

We all spend a large percentage of our lives at work. One of my favorite things about being a startup founder is getting to pick the people you want to work alongside all day, every day. You want to work with people who are driven, intelligent, and creative. You also want to work with people who bring unique perspectives, are highly ethical, and are constantly teaching you new things. Daniel Von Fange exhibits all of these positive traits and more.

We’re thrilled to announce that one of our earliest open-source contributors has agreed to join the Origin team full time. We’ve been trying to recruit Daniel for years and couldn’t be more excited to have him finally make the jump to joining our team full-time. Daniel was actually one of the very first people to play with our DApp, even before it was live on the Ethereum testnet. He’s been contributing to our efforts ever since, first as an open-source contributor and then as a part-time contractor.

Josh Fraser front left, Daniel Von Fange front right. Circa 2003.

This latest addition to our team is particularly special for me as I’ve been friends with Daniel since high school. In fact, he was one of the first people I met who shared my interest in computer programming. Daniel figured out long before I did that our shared hobby should be turned into a financially profitable endeavor. I asked Daniel for tips on how I could earn money coding just like him, and he responded by offering me my first paid gig as a software engineer. Daniel offered me $150 to write a PHP script for one of his clients. I had no idea what I was doing, but Daniel patiently walked me through the code and still paid me even though he ended up doing the majority of the work! It’s great to be able to repay that favor many years later.

Welcome Daniel Von Fange!

Daniel is joining our team as a Senior Engineer, with a strong emphasis on security and data analysis. Daniel is a highly-respected contributor to our team, particularly when it comes to keeping our smart contracts safe and thinking through all the possible attack vectors. He has a unique talent for spotting vulnerabilities that no one else sees. Daniel has also earned a reputation on our team for being able to gather massive amounts of data and create dynamic visualizations at lightning speed. We look forward to having him share some of his research on this blog in the future. We’re incredibly lucky to have him on our team. Welcome aboard, Daniel. It’s long overdue!

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Josh Fraser
Josh Fraser
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