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Reducing Solidity Fork Test Development Bottlenecks

December 19, 2023
solidity fork testing

The Need for Speed

The purpose of developing software is to get it to perform as intended. Multiple test iterations are required to achieve that, and the time between iterations is of critical importance when trying to complete the task at hand as soon as possible.

At Origin, we use unit & fork tests for development. Running fork tests can be tediously slow, but we’ve managed to reduce the execution time of fork tests (in some cases) by a factor of 4. Through this article I’ll explain how you can improve the speed of your fork tests, so that you can get your code working as intended in no time.

Unit Test or Fork Test?

Typically, whether you use a fork test or unit test depends on the architecture of the protocol being developed. Some teams only use unit tests and some both unit and fork tests. At Origin, our contracts interact with several 3rd party protocols (Curve, Uniswap, Balancer, Convex…) and mistakes in integration can cause catastrophic loss of funds.

Using unit tests, we mock the 3rd party protocol’s ABI and test that our contracts programmatically correctly integrate. But to test a 3rd party protocol’s behavior with all the intricacies and various (legitimate or manipulated) states the protocol can be in is where fork tests shine. And for some engineers on our team, test-driven development using fork tests is the primary development mode. Reducing the “code change” to “test execution” time is essential.

Fork Test Development Cycle

At Origin, we are using Hardhat for our Solidity development stack. It’s important that we understand the various steps a fork test run consists of in order to reduce development cycle time. For simplicity, we shall be running only 1 fork test at a time - which is usually the approach when working on a smart contract.

  • Compile - This is a necessary step when doing code changes to solidity contracts. It happens with fork and unit tests alike and time consumed depends on the number of contracts altered since the last compile.
  • Deployments - for deployments, we are using the hardhat-deploy plugin. Deploy files are used to publish protocol repository changes to the main-net. Because we want the fork environment to as closely mimic the main-net as possible, these files are run almost non-altered in the forked environment. There are also a few things to consider:
  • Depending on the fork block height only the deployments that are not yet reflected in the forked node are run.
  • Because OUSD and OETH are governed by a DAO, each deploy needs to go through the governance procedure. A proposal is first published, then there is a voting period to cast votes, and after that, the proposal is queued and executed. Simulating all those steps on the node takes precious cycle time.
  • Post-deployment - a global step for all tests where test accounts are funded and their allowances reset
  • Test fixture - some tests require the protocol to be put in a specific state in order for a test to be viable (e.g. enable and fund a strategy that is currently disabled on the main-net).
  • Test - the fork test itself

The Slowest Approach

The slowest approach is to run the fork tests with node forking from the latest block. This way, each time tests are run a different block height is chosen, and hardhat isn’t able to do any caching by reading storage slots from the main-net provider. This is reflected in the slow 101 second execution speed.

This particular fork test sends funds to one of our liquidity mining strategies that deploys assets to a Balancer pool. That causes a great deal of storage slot reads and is the main cause of the slow “test” part of the execution (orange part of the bar above).

A faster alternative

The obvious low-hanging fruit is to fix the block height so that Hardhat can save a great deal of time by utilizing a local cache of storage slot reads. The compile time isn’t affected by this optimization, but all other steps are. Greatly reducing the cycle time to 27 seconds (this applies to all non first runs of the test, where the hardhat cache is already warmed up).

Can it Be Even Faster?

The above approach improves the situation significantly, but it is still far from the speed of unit tests and can still seem frustratingly slow at times. We have only changed one contract. Why do we need to re-run the same deployments and post-deployment when ideally just the byte-code of 1 (or more) solidity contracts needs changing? Given that, of course, we are not changing storage slot layout or state between compilations. Enter hot deploys.

Hot Deploys: The Speed Demon

Hot-deploy deploys the contract that is being altered and fetches its byte-code. Using hardhat test suite snapshots, it finds the previous version of that contract in a state before the tests were run and replaces its byte-code with the freshly compiled one. On top of that, it runs the test fixtures and the test itself, skipping all the (post) deployment steps.

The cycle time is now reduced to just 7 seconds. This change in the development cycle has helped Origin Protocol greatly improve the productivity and speed at which we can develop features.

Technical Solution

Unfortunately, the hot deploys cannot be turned on as a switch (at least not yet) and require some configuration. The way we have implemented the solution at Origin is as follows:

  • We have a function that can construct any hot-deployable contracts with the exact constructor parameters present on the main-net. This cannot be avoided as the constructor can define immutable or constant variables that are stored in the contract byte-code rather than storage slots.
  • Using environmental flags developer can specify which groups (if any) of contracts get hot-deployed on each test run. This is highly specific to our protocol and will probably differ from other implementations.
  • The previous version of the contract on the forked node is found and its implementation byte-code is replaced with the freshly compiled one.

An important requirement is that a standalone hardhat node is running separately from the fork test environment. It might not be immediately obvious, but fork test run will create another node runtime and use the other standalone running node as a provider. The standalone node will run all (post) deployments, and the fork test node will compile the changes, run test fixtures replacing any contract byte-code required, and finally run the test.

It’s good to keep in mind changes to the deployment files, contract storage slots, and their state set up. You should consider this running test fixtures require a restart of the standalone node.


Sometimes we can be tempted to use unit tests for parts of the platform that integrate with 3rd party protocols just to be able to develop faster… at the cost of additional security a fork test can provide. For developers at Origin, hot deploys are an important step to bridge that cycle time gap and try to have our cake and eat it too. I hope others try this, and I hope you can benefit from this approach to reduce your development cycle times.

Domen Gabrec
Domen Gabrec
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Originally released by Origin Protocol
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