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Open Source Strikes Again — Welcome Mike Shultz!

July 11, 2019
OGN Governance

We are excited to announce that Mike Shultz has joined the Origin Protocol engineering team full time!

In our quest to build an amazing product we are always open to new open source contributors jumping in and having a go at some of the issues open on our GitHub repository. We’ve continually found that this is a great way to discover new team members who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get familiar with our stack. This is how we found Mike.

Hailing from Montana, Mike got his start with Origin by getting an early iteration of our mobile app up and running on Android, a task which he completed admirably, despite it being a bit out of his comfort zone. From there, he has progressed to more familiar ground, working in a backend and DevOps role. He helped us debug and diagnose some issues with our blockchain event listener and more recently developed a tool to improve transaction parallelism in our meta transaction relayer. We’ve recently pushed this to our production servers, and the work he did here has been invaluable.

Like a lot of the team, he was attracted to Origin’s openness. We take a lot of pride in our open-source and “public by default” heritage. He decided to join us full time because, in his own words, “the team here is on another level and is creating something that will have a large impact on the Ethereum ecosystem.”

Mike has a varied work history. He held a position as Director of IT for Project Vote Smart, whose mission was to provide unbiased information about candidates for public office. This position was based in the Montana wilderness, 25 miles from the nearest town, and involved encounters with bears, moose, badgers, and 8-foot snowdrifts. He describes the commute as “simultaneously amazing and horrifying”. Search and rescue was called to recover several interns during his time there. Fortunately for future interns, he migrated their server infrastructure to AWS during his tenure. Origin Protocol should be a breeze in comparison.

Managing Servers in the Montana Wilderness

Mike has created an innovative Python package called Solidbyte, which is a development tool for creating Ethereum smart contracts using Python. We thought this was really cool. Who doesn’t want to deploy and interact with smart contracts in Python?

Mike is a tinkerer and spends his spare time messing with whatever he can get his hands on: engines, electronics, bikes, you name it. We are very pleased to welcome him to the Origin team!

Learn more about Origin:

Ryan McNamara
Ryan McNamara
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