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xOGN, OGN Staking Mechanics, Now Open for Voting

April 25, 2024
Introducing xOGN

Introducing xOGN, New OGN Tokenomics

With the merger finalized, OGN is almost ready to take its place as the sole value-accrual and governance token of Origin’s ecosystem.

A new proposal is live to determine OGN’s tokenomics in line with the merger. The proposed tokenomics update has been carefully considered to deliver maximum value to stakers. Users will be able to stake OGN and receive a new governance token, xOGN, in return, representing voting and economic power over Origin’s products.

Make sure to vote before the window closes on May 2nd at 2 pm EDT.

New xOGN Mechanics

The proposal outlines key mechanics for xOGN staking:


A portion of protocol revenue from OETH, OUSD, and any future products will be taken as a performance fee. 50% of this fee will be used to buy back OGN and redistribute it to xOGN holders, while the remaining 50% will be used to purchase flywheel tokens (such as CRV and CVX), which generate additional yield across Origin’s products.

Upcoming product revenue scope for OGN stakers includes platforms such as PrimeStaked and the new Automated Redemption Manager (ARM). Looking further ahead, we anticipate that key components of our roadmap will all accrue value to OGN, such as multi-chain OETH derivatives and LSTs for other EVM chains.

One Year Maximum Lock Up

The new OGN staking model carries a maximum lock of one year. With this implementation, loyal stakers can maximize rewards without being constrained by excessively long time horizons. Users will also be able to add to their existing stake at any time, streamlining the process for compounding rewards.

Early Unstaking

xOGN’s new staking model will include an early exit feature for greater capital control. This mechanism would allow stakers to exit early by paying an early unstake fee based on the remaining time for the stake in question. 

Clearing The Path

We believe Origin’s token merger will serve as a major catalyst for the company’s long-term growth. Concentrating efforts on OGN empowers the team to build rapidly and focus on a clearly defined product roadmap that rewards all users, with a single token at the core of Origin’s sprawling ecosystem.

DeFi is ours to conquer, and the latest tokenomics proposal marks another stride toward a new, incisive chapter for Origin.

Vote now: https://snapshot.org/#/origingov.eth/proposal/0x0e2967e7a361b76fec655664043cd6d60a29081d60b28151bd62add319408177 

Yasthiel Devraj
Yasthiel Devraj
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