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Origin’s China Team Grows Even Stronger—Welcome Leslie Song!

December 30, 2019
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This article was originally written on Medium in 2019. The information below may be out of date.

At Origin, we have always believed that our success will be 50% dependent on the impact of our technology and 50% on the strength of our community. Behind every great blockchain company is a supportive, engaged, and collaborative community. A strong community believes in and is excited to share the company’s vision and values; it can also guide the company in making better decisions when it comes to product development and innovation. Perhaps even more importantly, a strong community that has aligned interests with the project can act as the strongest advocate for the project in acquiring end users, developers, and enterprises in the future.

From day one, Origin has strived to build a global brand while ensuring it’s locally relevant to our users in China, which is one of the most important markets to us. Two years on, we are lucky to have a loyal and vibrant Chinese community that has embraced our mission to enable true peer-to-peer commerce.

Today I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce a new addition to the Origin China team, Leslie Song, who will focus on dramatically increasing our online and offline community-building efforts in China.

Leslie has deep insights into the cryptocurrency and blockchain trends in China and brings with him a wealth of experience in working with blockchain startups from all around the world, such as Kava, Algorand, MakerDao, and Blockstack. As a partner to these projects, he has often helped them build thriving Chinese communities from scratch.

Now at Origin full-time, he will take his years of experience building thriving communities to a new level, being singularly focused on actualizing our ambitious community vision and executing our initiatives in China.

After graduating with a Masters in Chemistry from Nanjing University, Leslie spent a year working as a Community Manager at BugBank(漏洞银行)before moving on to Bihu(币乎), the largest Chinese crypto community. At Bihu’s Content Officer, he helped dozens of overseas blockchain projects manage and grow their Chinese communities. In many cases, he grew community sizes from a handful of initial members to tens of thousands of loyal followers in short periods of times.

During his two years at Bihu, Leslie also forged strong relationships with numerous local and global projects, crypto influencers and media, and is now widely recognized as one of the figureheads in the Chinese cryptocurrency space.

When asked why he chose to join Origin, Leslie replied, “I believe in giving contributors to sharing economy marketplaces more rights; Origin can empower them and strengthen their voices in the ecosystem”. Having Leslie onboard gives us even more confidence that we will realize the Origin mission of enabling peer-to-peer commerce and and create the game-changing Internet marketplaces and e-commerce applications of tomorrow.

When he is not organizing blockchain meet ups, collaborating with journalists, talking to community members one-on-one, or running successful online airdrop events, Leslie can either be found on the basketball court or letting his hair down (literally) at a rock concert.

It is Leslie’s authenticity and his raw enthusiasm for life, building long-term and meaningful relationships, and his desire to positively impact the world that we first bonded over. I believe his upcoming work at Origin will help inspire our global community (and even our internal team members) to build a much stronger and more vibrant community in China. Once again, welcome to the Origin team, Leslie!

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Ryan McNamara
Ryan McNamara
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