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The New Origin Dapp Is Now Live

May 28, 2024

Introducing The New Origin Dapp

The brand new Origin dapp is live on Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum!

Origin’s merger is finalized, and token holders can now convert their OGV at a rate of 0.09137 OGN per OGV using the migration portal. We’ve launched our brand new dapp alongside the token migration portal, jam-packed with features including OETH and OUSD integrations, new staking mechanics, and built-in governance.

Let’s take a look through what’s new and how you can get started using the new Origin dapp today.

What’s New

The Origin dapp is a complete overhaul from the siloed applications that previously existed for Origin Dollar, Origin Ether, and OGN. The new unified experience gives Origin’s products one home, making OGN staking and OTokens more accessible to our community.

The Origin dapp introduces user-requested features, significantly enhancing staking mechanics and the overall user experience. For your reference, we’ve broken down the primary components of the new Origin dapp below.

The Homepage

Upon entering Origin’s dapp, you’ll be greeted by a new homepage that showcases information on OETH, OUSD, and OGN. Each product has a separate card, highlighting 30-day trailing APYs, your holdings, earnings, and aggregate TVL.

The integration of OETH, OUSD, and OGN into the same dapp will lead to greater discoverability, helping foster a flywheel for Origin’s products.

OGV-OGN Migration Portal

In accordance with the OGN-OGV Merger Proposal, OGV and veOGV holders can now convert their positions to OGN or xOGN. The migration portal is now live on Origin’s dapp, and the portal will remain open until May 28, 2025.

During the 1 year migration window, users can convert OGV at a rate of 0.09137 OGN per OGV. The conversion ratio was calculated using OGV and OGN’s price on April 1, 2024 at 12AM UTC.

OGN Staking

The new OGN staking page provides a birds-eye view of your OGN and xOGN holdings, claimable rewards, and voting power. OGN holders can chose to lock their OGN for between 1 month and 1 year, earning rewards based on the amount of OGN locked and the staking duration. This is far shorter than the previous OGV max lock time of four years.

The OGN staking page adds highly requested features to the staking experience, including the ability to add OGN balance and/or unclaimed rewards to your existing lockups which will result in large gas savings and far fewer lockups per user. Users will also have the option to exit staked positions early for a penalty. Penalties paid are returned to existing OGN stakers, boosting rewards for loyal participants.

xOGN holders can participate in governance through the OGN governance page. The right-hand sidebar displays your xOGN holdings and your relative voting power, as well as giving you the option to delegate your governance rights to other participants.

Proposals are listed in chronological order, so you can easily view what’s being voted on by xOGN holders. Each proposal shows current votes for and against, the proposal title, and a timeline for when voting closes.

Origin Ether and the Arbitrum Bridge

The Origin Ether swap page lets you swap to and from OETH. Using the Origin dapp allows you to acquire OETH at the best available price. The swap form routes transactions between AMMs and direct minting, guaranteeing the best ETH-OETH conversion rate. Gas costs and fees are also considered, and you can preview the conversion rate before executing a swap.

Users with OETH on mainnet can bridge to wOETH on Arbitrum directly from Origin’s dapp. The bridge leverages Chainlink Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP), the industry standard for secure multichain transfers.

The Arbitrum DAO recently granted Origin 185,000 ARB as part of its long-term incentives pilot program (LTIPP). OETH holders who bridge to Arbitrum can chose from a variety of dapps to earn ARB incentives on top of Origin Ether’s yield.

Origin Dollar (OUSD)

The Origin Dollar swap page has a similar design to OETH, displaying TVL, 30-day trailing yield, and other pertinent information at a glance. The swap form will find the best price for OUSD, optimizing deposits between AMMs and direct minting of Origin Dollar. Users can swap from USDC, USDT, and DAI to mint OUSD to begin earning yield directly to their wallet.

Looking Forward

The launch of the new Origin dapp marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards making decentralized finance more accessible and user-friendly. The integration of layer 2 networks, new staking features, and improved governance mechanisms within the Origin dapp sets a new standard for Origin’s ecosystem.

Moving forward, we will continue to add to Origin’s product suite, starting with integrations for Origin’s Automated Redemption Manager (ARM). In the coming weeks, we will also add a portfolio page to the Origin dapp, allowing you to view your earnings from OETH, OUSD, and OGN in one place. We invite you to explore the dapp’s new features, participate in governance, and contribute to our community in Discord.

Try out our new dapp today at https://originprotocol.eth.limo/

Ryan McNamara
Ryan McNamara
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Originally released by Origin Protocol
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