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Introducing Proof of Yield for Origin Ether

July 27, 2023
Origin DeFi Proof of Yield

Making On-Chain Data More Transparent

As a public, permissionless protocol, Origin has always placed a strong emphasis on transparency and accessibility. 

Last year’s serial CeFi catastrophes have underpinned the importance of being able to monitor cash flows and yield in DeFi. We affirm that this data should be readily available to anyone who needs it, at any given time. 

Our brand new Proof of Yield dashboard offers users more insight to the OETH ecosystem than ever before. While it’s always been possible to calculate yield on-chain, the new dashboard vastly simplifies this process. Anyone can now access and monitor OETH’s live mechanics, regardless of technical knowledge.

Using the Dashboard

Proof of Yield

The new dashboard can be accessed by visiting oeth.com/proof-of-yield. You’ll be greeted by a daily breakdown of Origin Ether’s yield generation. Selecting the proof of yield button presents in-depth insights for each day. 

The proof of yield page displays the total yield distributed on a specific day, the net APY, the value of the total OETH vault, and fees generated by the protocol. Fees generated by the protocol are sent to the Origin DeFi DAO, controlled by OGV stakers. OGV stakers decide how to manage this treasury, often purchasing flywheel tokens or conducting OGV buybacks to increase staking yield. 

Yield Boost Multiplier

The yield boost multiplier is also visible on the proof of yield page. This tool provides insights into one of the many ways that OETH is able to generate such high APYs. While all OETH generates yield, yield is only distributed to the rebasing supply. This is the supply of OETH held by users in EOAs. 

In other words, yield generated by the total supply is channeled to real users. OETH held in smart contracts does not rebase by default, so this yield is sent to everyone else. 

In the example shown above, OETH total supply is divided by the rebasing supply to calculate the total yield delivered to holders’ wallets. In this calculation, the total OETH supply is 1.64x larger than the rebasing supply, thus yielding a 1.64x boost.

Given that OETH generated 5.17% raw APY on the day in question, the distributed APY is thus 8.64% (1.64x larger).

Maximum Transparency, Maximum Yields

We’ve proudly built out OETH with groundbreaking mechanics to deliver the highest risk-adjusted liquid staking yields in DeFi. This new portal leaves no room for guesswork – users can easily monitor how their funds are being used, as should always be the case.

Ready to enter the OETH ecosystem? You can mint OETH via the native dApp: app.oeth.com

Yasthiel Devraj
Yasthiel Devraj
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Originally released by Origin Protocol
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