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February 2020 Origin Token (OGN) Holder Update

March 2, 2020

Every month, the Origin team publishes a monthly update to our token holders and broader community. Welcome to the February 2020 edition. We are eager to hear feedback and suggestions from our community.


In February, the Origin team accomplished several milestones on the product and business development fronts.

Earlier this month, we announced that our flagship Marketplace app was integrated into the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. This paves the first step to getting Origin into the hands of hundreds of millions of users in the future.

More recently, OGN was listed on two longstanding Korean exchanges, Coinone and GOPAX. This makes the Korean won the first fiat onramp for trading OGN.

We also continued to foster our regional communities across the United States, China, Korea, Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the rest of the world, growing our community member and token holder/trader numbers across the board.


Earlier this month, the Origin marketplace app launched in the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. Samsung’s foray into blockchain is a huge step forward for not only Origin, but our entire burgeoning industry.

As Samsung deploys more of its handsets with built-in wallet management and DApp discovery to its existing customer base that numbers in the hundreds of millions, it is positioning itself as one of the most important players in bringing cryptocurrencies and accompanying technologies to the mainstream.

Samsung currently owns over 40% of Android market share, and we couldn’t be more excited to be one of the earliest DApps available in their Blockchain Wallet. This was an exciting collaboration for our entire Origin team as we share in the tech giant’s desires to put real-world use cases for cryptocurrency and blockchain-powered applications into the hands of people all over the world.

This month, our Origin Rewards campaign focused on driving sales through our Origin merch store that is built on our decentralized e-commerce platform.

We’ve made progress in adding several features to the platform in preparation of launching new internal and third-party e-commerce applications on Origin in the coming months.

New Exchange Listings

On February 18th, OGN was simultaneously listed on GOPAX and Coinone, two of the most reputable exchanges in South Korea. As part of these exchange partnerships, we’re excited to add our first fiat pairs, allowing OGN to be purchased directly with the South Korean won (KRW) on both exchanges. South Korea is one of the biggest and most active markets for blockchain and cryptocurrency technology development and trading in the world. We believe this is an important milestone for Origin as we aspire to distribute OGN to a broader number of holders in the Korean market.


Collaborating with global and Asian partners to evangelize Origin’s mission and technology continues to be a focus of ours on the community front.

Recently our China team partnered with the MakerDAO team to conduct an online meetup. We believe the Maker team is onto something generationally impactful by leading the charge into both DeFi and decentralized stablecoins.

We are now just also beginning to turn our attention to Japan. With recent regularity clarity slowly opening up the Japanese market, we’re excited to work with local partners and regulatory bodies to make OGN available to Japan sometime this year.

Hear Gumi Crypto’s Ray Zhang discuss the Origin team and why his Japanese VC/crypto-fund backed Origin.

Erica Kang of KryptoSeoul and BUIDL recently relocated from the explosive market of Korea to tackle on fast-growing blockchain opportunities in Vietnam. As a long-time supporter of our project, we’re thrilled to have this ally helping us promote Origin to the important Southeast Asian region.

To round out the month, we also conducted AMAs with Atomic Wallet and Coin98 this month.

Token Economics

Circulating supply is currently 28M OGN (Coinmarketcap) after a slightly larger-than-expected release for the January rewards campaign due to overwhelming participation during our launch month (released in mid-February).

The February Origin Rewards campaign release will be far smaller, adding 15k OGN to the circulating supply in early to mid-March. This is less than 5% of the originally modeled increase in the Binance Research Report for the upcoming month.

Binance Token Release Schedule for OGN

In the coming months we will be exploring ways to further limit circulating supply, with the goal of having a lower actual vs. modeled circulating supply for the foreseeable future.

We’ll be announcing our March campaign for Origin Rewards in a couple of days along with a new product announcement. We’re looking forward to sharing more details and other exciting updates soon. As always, thank you for your support. It means the world to us.

Learn more about Origin:

Matthew Liu
Matthew Liu
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