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April 2022 Token Holder Update

May 2, 2022
April 2022 Token Holder Update

Every month, the Origin team publishes a monthly update to our token holders and the broader community. Welcome to the April 2022 edition. We are eager to hear feedback and suggestions from our community.


April was full of exciting developments at Origin. From new faces joining the team to adding more utility for our token offerings, Origin continues to be at the forefront of DeFi and NFTs. This month, much of the focus was centered around our commitment to create a more concise narrative for token holders, where a new governance proposal was passed to bring more value to the current Origin Token (OGN) staking participants. 

Implementing this decision will further incentivize OGN stakers by upgrading the current staking rewards to now include the distribution of the revenue generated from our NFT platform, Origin Story. This exciting development further ties both our DeFi and NFT products together to increase the value that the Origin ecosystem provides to our most dedicated stakeholders.


Origin Story continues to be the platform of choice for creators who offer sales in both open-edition and auction formats as well as for launching PFP generative-style collections. In April, we launched the second of these PFP collections, Praise Pals, on Story. This new vertical demonstrates a more comprehensive set of utilities that creators have expressed immense interest in.

Although Story is better known as the record-breaking NFT platform for celebrities and musicians, we have recently begun to open the platform up to a broader audience. We recently announced our entry into GameFi with a play-to-earn (P2E) NFT game called Blades of Valor. This is another exciting initiative as beginning to incorporate GameFi NFTs onto the platform will open the door to expanding the accessibility of different types of NFT-based utilities available on Origin Story.

The first round of the Blades of Valor mint on our platform will allow you to acquire these interactive NFTs that serve as your character inside an immersive arena fighting experience. Make sure that you have the best chance of acquiring your BoV NFT by joining the Discord.

Origin Dollar (OUSD) continued to gain wider usage among exchanges and was listed this month on the popular exchange Gate.io. Origin Token also received a new listing on the widely used South Korean exchange, Bithumb. Bithumb now offers its users both OGN/KRW and OGN/BTC trading pairs. Our vision for OUSD is a ubiquitous stablecoin that will be accepted everywhere as a payment alternative with more benefits than one’s native currency. These two exchange listings mark an essential step toward the vision of making both OUSD and OGN more accessible to everyone.

Token Economics

OGN’s circulating supply is 483,774,386. The circulating supply number includes the tens of millions of OGN staked in our staking program, reducing the actual float further. There are 35,722,012OGN currently staked. The majority of these tokens are staked for a year. This is a very strong signal that OGN holders believe in the future of OGN. You can see all of this information on our token dashboard.


Origin’s community continues to grow as the project’s scope expands, and with each new vertical that we take on, we begin to welcome new groups of users to our community. Blades of Valor has attracted many GameFi enthusiasts to participate as new members of the Origin community. Whether this is your first time hearing about the project or you have been with us for quite some time, we are thrilled to have you on board.

Origin’s Co-Founders have been busy going out into the community to spread the word about the benefits of our platform. Josh Fraser and Evgeny Gokhberg from Re7Capital sat down to discuss the current state of stablecoin farming in 2022 and why firms like Re7Capital are choosing to hold OUSD as one of their primary earning strategies.

Matthew Liu also visited with Mike Townsend on the Around The Coin podcast to break down the progression of the Origin ecosystem and our vision of bringing DeFi and NFTs to the masses.

We also want to take a moment to acknowledge a new chapter for Origin as our Head of Community, Max Unger, will be leaving the project as a core-team member. Max has been working with Origin for the past two years and has contributed immensely to the project’s growth, awareness within the broader industry, and helped solidify and promote the community’s cultural values. Max has made a positive impact during his time with Origin, and although he will be stepping down from his position, he will remain an active investor and friend to the community. We are grateful to Max for his years of service to our team, investors, and the community at large and wish him the best in where life leads him next.

I am, however, excited to announce that I will be taking over the role of Head of Community. Max and I have worked closely together on community and marketing initiatives for the duration of his time with the company and I am eager to return to my roots as a community builder during this important time of growth at Origin.

Team Updates

We are hiring a Finance & Operations Manager, Business Development Representatives, an NFT Analyst, multiple Full-stack Engineers, a Senior Growth / Marketing Engineer, and multiple Senior Solidity Engineers. Check out our job postings, and come join us or refer your friends!

Learn more about Origin:

Aaron Faulkner
Aaron Faulkner
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Originally released by Origin Protocol
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