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Origin Protocol Welcomes Matt Bullock as Product Designer for OUSD

October 3, 2022

We’re excited to announce a new addition to Origin’s team, Product Designer extraordinaire Matt Bullock. 

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Upon entering the space, Matt immediately recognized the many problems with UX and design in crypto as a significant barrier to entry. Having spent four years at Augur as Lead Designer, he’s been contributing to improving the Web3 user experience since its barebones beginnings. His time at Augur led him to Dapper Labs, where he played a critical role in adding a user-friendly crypto custody solution to their wallet.

Apart from designing beautiful user experiences to drive further adoption, Matt’s passion for crypto lies with DeFi. He first entered the sector during 2020’s frenetic DeFi summer with a cursory interest that has since grown to an unrelenting commitment to design seamless products and broaden access to these novel, decentralized financial instruments. 

In joining Origin, Matt is aligning these passions to redesign the OUSD and OGV product experiences from the ground up, in order to make our DeFi offerings as seamless as possible – from OUSD’s dApp to the overall governance experience.

“We want users to be able to easily access OUSD and enjoy the simplicity of growing their investment without the worry of taking on risk,” he explains, continuing, “I see the perfect opportunity for a safe, fully decentralized and self custodial interest bearing stablecoin like OUSD to step up and own the sector. I see OUSD as a great product offering and want to help be a part of bringing this to more people.”

When he’s not conquering new frontiers in crypto, Matt’s adventurous spirit leads him to the outdoors. An avid cyclist, hiker, traveler and toucher-of-grass, he’s even embarked on an overland journey from Europe to Japan. 

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 3.12.25 PM.pngPlease join us in welcoming Matt to the Origin design team – we couldn’t be more excited to have another intrepid explorer among our ranks!

Yasthiel Devraj
Yasthiel Devraj
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Originally released by Origin Protocol
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